Routine Farm Services

The Farm team carry out regular routine veterinary work on over 100 farms and pre booked visits make up around 70% of our calls.  

Regular veterinary input into farms is crucial to ensure the health and welfare of the animals and maximise the productivity of the herd or flock.

Our role these days is much more about preventative health care than treating sick animals - we work closely with our farming clients to ensure the health, welfare and productivity of their stock.


With around 75 dairy farms and dozens of beef suckler herds, the Paragon farm team are never far away from the business end of a cow.  With 7 portable ultrasound scanners, well over 5000 fertility examinations are carried out each month alone.   Other key health areas commonly focused on are lameness, mastitis, infectious disease and calf health.  All clinical vets also carry out TB testing whether that is on behalf of the government or privately and tens of thousands of animals are tested each year.   


Despite a seasonal spike in workload in the Spring, Paragon Vets are home to an active Flock Health Club with group members meeting regularly throughout the year to cover a range of topics.  Past meetings have covered Scab, Footrot, Fluke, Lambing analysis and Responsible Use of Medicines.  Routine blood sampling is also carried out to screen for infectious diseases like Enzo and Toxo as well as metabloic profiles to assess ewe nutrition.    


Tarn Farm Vets, as part of Paragon Veterinary Group, are able to offer a unique goat herd (dairy / meat / smallholder) consultancy to farms nationally.

We offer specialist goat services to all goat keepers as well as training. Click here for further information